Thursday 31 January 2013

How to customize "Right Click" menu in Windows 7

Adding some extra features in the RIGHT CLICK
menu is a good practice to ease your work and save the time. You can add several items like Command prompt , Copy the contents to clipboard, Copy To, Move To in your right click context menu in Windows 7. These additions obvilously will benefit you by saving your time. Let's discuss about the methods one by one.All the methods described in this article are based on registry editing. So Backup your Registry before editing and keep yourself on the safe side.

Add "Open Command Prompt In This Folder" option

When you work in Command Prompt, many time you need to change the directory and generally you use the command "cd directory path".If the file is in the deep of your hard disk then repeating the task to change any directory is quite boring. You can add an entry in the Right Click Menu by which you can open the command prompt directly in the folder, just right clicking on it. Here is the simple registry tweak.

STEP1:- Press Windows key + R and then type "regedit" to open the registry editor.

STEP2:-Navigate to [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell] in the registry editor.

STEP3:- create a new key under "shell" and name it "Command Prompt".

STEP4:-In the right pane modify the value of "Default" by right clicking on it and then "Modify". In the
             "Value data" field write "Command Prompt here".
STEP5:-Similerly create a new key under "Command Prompt" and name it "command".
             Select the new key you've just created and modify "Default" similarly and put the follwoing code
             in the "Value data" field.
             "cmd.exe /k cd %1"

       Now close your registry editor and right click on any folder. You should see the
               "Command Prompt here" option.