Thursday 23 July 2015

C Program - To find maximum of 3 values using logical operators

C program to find the maximum of 3 values using operators 

void main()
int a,b,c;
printf("\nEnter the value for a :- ");
printf("\nEnter the value for b :- ");
printf("\nEnter the value for c :- ");
if( a>b  &&  a>c)
printf("\nA is greater than B and C");
else if( b>a  &&  b>c)
printf("\nB is greater than A and C");
else if(c>a  &&  c>b)
printf("\nC is greater than A and B");
else if( a==b  &&  b==c)
printf("\nA, B and C all are equal");

Output :- 

Enter the value for a :- 10
Enter the value for b :-  5
Enter the value for c :- 6

A is greater than B and C

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