Wednesday 9 December 2015

VMware Tools Installation in RHEL 6

VMware tools installation in RHEL 6

VMware Tools Installation Video :-

VMware Tools Installation Steps :-

Step 1:- First of all you need to login to RHEL 6 machine with root user (Super User).
              If you did not login with root user account, then execute the following command to switch your account
              to root.

              #su -

Step 2:- Then insert the VMware Tools CD Image and mount it to your RHEL 6 Machine.

              To insert the VMware Tools CD Image, click on VM -> Install VMware Tools.

              To mount it to your system, execute the following command:-

              #mount /dev/cdrom /mnt

Step 3:- In the next step you need to copy the ‘VMwareTools-5.0.0-xxxx.tar.gz’ from ‘/mnt/’ to ‘/tmp/’.

              To copy the ‘VMwareTools-5.0.0-xxxx.tar.gz’ from ‘/mnt/’ to ‘/tmp/' execute the following commands:-

              #cd /mnt

              #cp VMwareTools-5.0.0-xxxx.tar.gz /tmp

Note: - Where xxxx is the build/revision number of the VMware Workstation release.

Step 4:- Now untar or extract the VMware Tools tar file, by executing the following commands.

              #cd /tmp

              #tar –xvf VMwareTools-5.0.0-xxxx.tar.gz

Step 5:- Then go to ‘vmware-tools-distrib’and run .tar VMware Tools installer.

              To run .tar VMware Tools installer, execute the following command:-

              #cd vmware-tools-distrib


              Respond to the configuration questions on the screen. Press Enter to accept the default value.

Step 6:- Log off the root user account and reboot the RHEL 6 Machine.

               To log off the root user account, execute the following command:-


               To reboot the RHEL 6 Machine, execute the following command:-


Step 7:- Then check the service status.

               Click on System -> Administration -> Services

               Then find out the service named ‘vmware-tools’.

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