Thursday 5 September 2013

How to hide a specific user name from the login screen of the Windows 7

How to hide  a specific user name from the login screen of the Windows 7

STEP 1 :- Open the "Registry Editor".

 "Press "Windows key + R" -> type "REGEDIT" -> then click on "OK"". 

Sunday 2 June 2013

How to make a bootable pen drive of Windows 7

How to create a bootable USB  Drive of Windows 7

Installing Windows from a USB flash drive has several advantages : First of all, the overall speed of the installation process will increase significantly, carrying a USB stick is much more convenient than a DVD, and finally it becomes possible to install the OS even on those systems that do not have a DVD drive, such as a netbook.
 In this post, I will show you how to load Windows 7 installation in your USB flash drive and how to make it bootable just like the DVD from your .iso image.

Friday 1 February 2013

How to disable/enable USB port in Windows 7 via registry

How to enable and disable USB port in Windows 7 via Registry

To enable or disable USB port in Windows 7 via Registry follow the following steps :-

Thursday 31 January 2013

How to customize "Right Click" menu in Windows 7

Adding some extra features in the RIGHT CLICK
menu is a good practice to ease your work and save the time. You can add several items like Command prompt , Copy the contents to clipboard, Copy To, Move To in your right click context menu in Windows 7. These additions obvilously will benefit you by saving your time. Let's discuss about the methods one by one.All the methods described in this article are based on registry editing. So Backup your Registry before editing and keep yourself on the safe side.

Sunday 6 January 2013

How to break administrator password in Windows 7 without password reset disk

When you forgot Windows 7 administrator password u need to break them via a  "Password Reset Disk ".Just suppose at that time u don't have that or a CD-ROM drive into your system and you have a urgent

Saturday 5 January 2013

Registry Tricks

How to add your Name on the Top of "Destop Context Menu " in Windows 7