Tuesday 4 February 2014

How to disable IPv6 in Windows Server 2008 R2 through Registry

How to disable IPv6 in Windows Server 2008 R2 through Registry

STEP 1 :- Open the "Registry Editor" .

Press Windows Key + R ----------> type REGEDIT -----> and then click on OK.

Then the "Registry Editor" wizard will open as shown below:

STEP 2 :- Then navigate the following path in the "Registy Editor" wizard.


STEP 3 :- In Next step create new "DWORD(32-bit) Value" under the "Parameteres" key and named it "DisabledComponents".

In the right panel of "Parameters", right click on empty area and click "New" and then click on "DWORD(32-bit) Value". Type "DisabledComponents"  and then press "Enter" key.

 STEP 4 :- Now "Modify" the newly created "DWORD(32-bit) Value"  with "ffffffff".

 In the right panel, right click on "DisabledComponents", click on "Modify" and then type here "ffffffff", and then click on "OK" button.